What this blog is about...

Since first seeing the "Adventurer" miniatures from Hasslefree I set about writing a zombie game for them.

The main aim of the game is to be totally character based

The players controls a few survivors, they must find more survivors and get out of the town

the zombies are totally autonomous, they are controlled by dice rolls and random movement generators

the characters are only armed with the weapons physically modelled on them

the appearance of the characters has a major affect on how they react to situations

Please feel free to comment, critique and add to any and all of the posts on this blog, i'm looking for anyone with a fun outlook on a game to help me get the best out of some fantastic miniatures.

The rulebook will be a free download when it is finished.

Wednesday, 26 January 2011


I've been uncharacteristically busy the past few weeks so have got next to nothing done recently, but with my hasslefree stuff and ironhalo bases arriving, i did manage to get them glued together, and found a break in the constant raining to get them sprayed.

with a trip to dublin last weekend I didnt have a chance to paint anything, but took the opportunity last night to finish up one model I've been itching to do.

I Just couldn't wait to paint up a hazmat guy, so with my little bit of spare time I quickly got this guy painted almost as a tester.

choosing the colour scheme was difficult, as I was unsure of white, yellow or black suits (black is always the baddy goons in zombie movies, yellow is the classic movie hazmats, but white is the realistic one)

so I went with white, almost as a challenge to myself to paint a nice looking white character (which Ray's white business shirt was also a pre-cursor to)

I went for the orange gloves and kneepads to bring some colour to them, and a gold visor to cement the "facelessness" of the goons.

you can even see I've managed to add the pointer on the oxygen gauge

hopefully I shall get much more done this weekend, as I am now skint from dublin.

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